Let’s talk about the meaning of data first. Data are pieces of information recorded and used for the purpose of analysis. A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). Based on the structure of your data, you might have to choose your database. The main difference between databases is whether if they are SQL based or if they are no SQL based.
SQL stands for Structured Query Language. NoSQL stands for Not Only Structured Query Language so they can actually be any format as long as it’s not SQL although most of them follow a very similar structure.
SQL Databases are Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. NO SQL Databases are MongoDB, CouchDB, CouchBase, etc.
Differences between SQL and NO SQL
SQL is a relational data model. NO SQL is a non relational and its a document data model. SQL is vertically scalable. NO SQL is horizontally scalable. A SQL database will group your data into tables. In SQL you can add new columns. But when the information are missing, it will automatically insert a null. Null can be annoying if you’re not expecting any data value to be null or not have any data. If you were working with Mongo the same data would be represented as JSON objects. So you would have key value pairs such as first name, last name, email address and if in one of those documents you had an extra key value pair such telephone number then it doesn’t affect any of the other data records and none of these records actually have to be the same shape or follow the same structure. NoSQL databases tend to be newer with modern syntax and modern methods but SQL database is old and reliable and it likes structure. NoSQL database can remain flexible and you’re not bound to a particular structure. SQL can be used for complex queries. NO SQL is not good for complex queries.
Advantages of SQL Databases
SQL Databases are easy to use. It is universal, compatible with many tools. SQL is good at high performance workloads. SQL Databases are good at structuring data.
Disadvantages of SQL Databases
SQL databases are time consuming to understand and design the structure of the database. SQL databases can be difficult to scale.
Advantages of NO SQL Databases
We can do rapid developments in NO SQL. NO SQL is general faster than SQL. NO SQL runs well on the cloud.
Disadvantages of NO SQL Databases
NO SQL is unsuited for interconnected data. This technology is still maturing. NO SQL Databases can have slower response time.
In this article we discussed mainly about SQL and NO SQL Databases. We discussed the differences of those databases and pros and cons of each database. Stay tuned!!